Charles Town to offer low-takeout jackpot Pick 6

Floral blanket. Photo by The Racing Biz.
From a Hollywood Casino at Charles Town Races release
Beginning with its card on August 17, Hollywood Casino at Charles Town Races will offer patrons the opportunity to play a new 20-cent Pick 6 wager, the Charles Town 6-12.
Similar to previously implemented wagers at other venues, the Charles Town 6-12 will require the bettor to select the winner of 6 consecutive races on the day’s card. Should multiple wagers identify the 6 winners, those bettors will be paid out a percentage of that day’s pool, with the remainder being added to the carryover for the next scheduled card. Outside of days where any carryover is mandatorily distributed, the entire pool including any carryover will only be paid out should there be one unique winning wager.
One aspect of the 6-12 designed to make it more appealing to fans is the low takeout of 12% offered on the wager. In an effort to grow a carryover while reducing the effective takeout for the daily pool, that 12% takeout on the Charles Town 6-12 will be coupled with a structure calling for 75% of the daily pool to be paid out on days there are multiple tickets identifying 6 winners or when there are no tickets pegging the correct 6 horses. The remaining 25% of the net daily pool will be dedicated to the carryover.
On days with a mandatory payout of the carryover, those selecting the most winners in the 6 race sequence will share in both the carryover and daily pool. The first mandatory payout of the entire pool is scheduled for October 14 when the track plays host to West Virginia Breeders’ Classics XXXI. Pending the necessary approvals, Charles Town is planning for the subsequent mandatory payout to take place on Charles Town Classic day in April 2018.
While the 6-12 is offered as a 20-cent wager, patrons must still wager a minimum of 5 combinations, or $1.00, on their ticket. The Charles Town 6-12 will be available each day live racing is conducted at Hollywood Casino at Charles Town Races with the sequence covering the final 6 races on the card, regardless of the number of races offered on the day.