Delaware Park takes Saturday races off the turf

Frostmourne romped in the G3 Kent Stakes on the Delaware Park turf. Photo by The Racing Biz.
From a Delaware Park release
After the five-horse spill that occurred in the third race at Delaware Park on Thursday, September 14th, the two remaining turf races on the card were transferred to the main track, as a precaution to give track management adequate time to conduct thorough inspections of the course.
The inspections did not reveal any concerns with the course. As an additional precaution, track management will move the temporary course rails to the 35-foot setting which was originally scheduled for the middle of next week.
In order to implement this additional precaution, Delaware Park will move the previously-scheduled turf races for Saturday, September 16th, to the main track.
Turf racing is scheduled to resume on Monday, September 18th, weather permitting.