Delaware Park upgrades to HD signal with help from Jockey Club

The Jockey Club announced today that Delaware Park is taking advantage of The Jockey Club’s HD Grant Fund and will broadcast in HD when its racing season opens on May 4. Hawthorne Race Course was the first track to use the grant fund to upgrade its signal.
Stuart S. Janney III, chairman of The Jockey Club, announced the creation of the HD Grant Fund at the 2018 Round Table Conference on Matters Pertaining to Racing in response to findings from McKinsey & Company’s 2018 analysis of the Thoroughbred industry, which were presented at the conference. The McKinsey team found that less than one-third of all racetracks broadcast on TVG provided HD signals, and they recommended that racetracks upgrade to HD signals to be competitive with other sports following the legalization of sports betting.
Through the HD Grant Fund, qualifying tracks may receive up to $150,000 to purchase or lease HD production equipment.
Delaware Park President Bill Fasy said, “We expect that upgrading our signal to HD will be a welcome enhancement to our racing product, and we thank The Jockey Club for facilitating this improvement as we get set for the 2019 season.”
Additional grants to racetracks for HD conversions are expected throughout 2019.