ARCI backs enhanced NSAID and corticosteroid regs

by | Aug 9, 2019 | Breaking, Business, National news

Following a meeting on Monday, Aug. 5, the Drug Testing Standards and Practices (DTSP) Committee of the Association of Racing Commissions International (ARCI) endorsed instituting a 48-hour restriction on administration of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS), which include Phenylbutazone, and a 14-day restriction on the administration of corticosteroids, pending scientific review.

The restriction on corticosteroids would not apply to harness racing, as the sport is currently amidst proceedings to determine breed-specific rules due to different race schedules for Thoroughbreds, Standardbreds and Quarter Horses.

The corticosteroids were previously included in the Model Rules but were removed per the instructions of the Racing Medication & Testing Consortium (RMTC). In a recent meeting of the RMTC, that organization recommended the 48-hour restriction on NSAIDs as the science is available to prove administration after that window can compromise a pre-race examination.

“There have been situations, specifically in New York, where these restrictions have been implemented and been quite successful,” said Ed Martin, ARCI president and past executive director of the New York Gaming and Wagering Board.


Equineline introduces OTTB profile

Equineline introduces OTTB profile

The Jockey Club today announced the new Off-Track Thoroughbred Profile, the first report centered on Thoroughbreds in their second careers.

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