Jockey Club to continue studying reducing stallion books

by | Dec 16, 2019 | Breaking, Business, National news

Photo by The Racing Biz.

The Jockey Club board of stewards today announced that it is continuing its consideration of a rule to limit the annual breeding of individual stallions.

The Jockey Club stated further, “We are grateful for the many thoughtful comments in response to our September proposal. The stewards are considering those comments as we continue to study the cause and effects of decreasing diversity of the Thoroughbred gene pool and finalize a rule to protect the breed’s health and welfare.”

The Jockey Club is the breed registry for Thoroughbreds in North America. Since its founding 125 years ago, it has been dedicated to the improvement of breeding and racing of Thoroughbreds, focusing on improvements to the integrity, health, and safety of the sport.


Jockeys’ Guild elects officers

Jockeys’ Guild elects officers

At its annual assembly Jan. 14, the Jockeys’ Guild elected new officers and senators, heard updates, and participated in discussions.

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