Horseracing Integrity Act to have subcommittee hearing

by | Jan 25, 2020 | Breaking, Business, National news

Participants at a previous hearing on horseracing.

The House Committee on Energy & Commerce subcommittee on Consumer Protection and Commerce has announced a legislative hearing titled “Legislation to Promote the Health and Safety of Racehorses” to take place at 10:30 a.m. on Tuesday, January 28th.

During this hearing, the committee will discuss the Horseracing Integrity Act (H.R. 1754) – bipartisan legislation introduced in March by Congressman Andy Barr (R-KY) and Congressman Paul Tonko (D-NY). Barr and Tonko have introduced a version of the Horseracing Integrity Act each Congress since 2015.

The legislation, which has the support of The Jockey Club, among other organizations, but is opposed by horsemen’s groups, has more than 225 cosponsors in the House of Representatives — more than half of the members.

The subcommittee has announced seven witnesses expected to testify:

  • Dr. Kathy Anderson, a veterinarian;
  • Joe De Francis, former owner of the Maryland Jockey Club and chairman of the Humane Society of the U. S.’s horseracing advisory council;
  • Dennis Drazin, head of Darby Development, which operates Monmouth Park on behalf of the New Jersey horsemen;
  • Marty Irby, executive director of Animal Wellness Action;
  • William Lear, Jr., Vice-chairman of The Jockey Club;
  • Ed Martin, President and CEO of the Association of Racing Commissioners International; and
  • Chris McCarron, retired jockey.


Jockeys’ Guild elects officers

Jockeys’ Guild elects officers

At its annual assembly Jan. 14, the Jockeys’ Guild elected new officers and senators, heard updates, and participated in discussions.

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