Racing at Laurel Park. Photo by The Racing Biz.

1/ST RACING and the Maryland Jockey Club announced April 15 that live racing will be cancelled from Saturday April 17 through Monday April 19, due to the ongoing evaluation of the main track surface conditions.

As part of regular track maintenance, the Maryland Jockey Club identified on April 14 that the main track had not responded sufficiently to wintertime cushion repairs. Gallops will be allowed during an abbreviated training schedule Friday, April 16.

  • Remembering Pete Medhurst
    Correspondent Ted Black, who’s known Pete Medhurst for decades, remembers him as much more than the voice familiar to the region.

Dr. Mick Peterson, from the Racing Surfaces Testing Laboratory (RSTL) along with 1/ST RACING’s Senior Track Superintendent and the Maryland Jockey Club’s Chris Bosley have been working together to assess the cushion replacement options using RSTL approved materials and to identify a project timeline.

“We understand that the timing of this Laurel Park main track maintenance is not ideal for our horsemen, but the safety of the horses and our riders must be our top priority,” said Aidan Butler, Chief Operating Officer, 1/ST RACING. “We have full confidence that Dr. Mick Peterson, Dennis Moore and Chris Bosley will manage this project quickly and will deliver a rehabilitated main track surface cushion that will offer superior training and racing to the benefit of Maryland horsemen for years to come.”

Due to the uncertainty of the timeline to rehabilitate the main track surface cushion at Laurel Park, 1/ST RACING and the Maryland Jockey Club submitted an application to the Maryland Thoroughbred Horsemen’s Association to move live racing to Pimlico Race Course, effective, April 22 on an emergency basis. The application has been granted and live racing will be moved to Pimlico Race Course until further notice.