The Racing Biz has partnered with freelance journalist Teresa Genaro and TVG Digital Content Editor Alicia Hughes to launch a series of digital panel discussions designed to tackle issues of diversity and inclusion within the Thoroughbred industry.
The series, titled “Truth to Power,” will bring together various participants from within and outside of the racing realm to share their perspectives on racial, gender, and social inequality and how it impacts the sport as a whole. See the full release here.
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Watch the livestream below.
- Preakness Festival events announcedMaryland’s First Lady Dawn Moore this week announced a slate of events that will comprise this year’s Preakness Festival.
- Barry Spears, handicapper and co-host of the “Going in Circle” podcast.
- David Gutfreund, winner of the 2018 NHC Tour,
- Alicia Hughes, co-organizer, Editor of Digital Content for TVG.
- Teresa Genaro, co-organizer, teacher, freelance writer, member of the nominating and voting committees for the National Museum of Racing and Hall of Fame.
- Frank Vespe, co-organizer, owner and publisher of The Racing Biz.