1/ST Racing announced today Equibase Premium Past Performances for all racing cards at Santa Anita Park, Gulfstream Park, Laurel Park and Golden Gate Fields will be available through the end of the year for free effective immediately.
The fan-friendly initiative provides the ability to unlock the data for all 1/ST races without a signup or membership fee. The free Equibase Premium Past Performances will be available online at XBTV.com.
- Enhanced Maryland-sired bonus soon to take effectA program to bolster the value of horses that are both Maryland-bred and Maryland-sired is set to take effect with the current crop of two-year-olds.
This is an important innovation for Thoroughbred racing since most sports make their statistical information available for free,” said Aidan Butler, COO of 1/ST Racing. “This is also an important step to gauge interest in this kind of data from both new and seasoned bettors.”
The free Past Performances for 1/ST Racing are available through a partnership with Equibase, the Thoroughbred racing industry’s official data provider.
I’ll bet Daily Racing Form isn’t happy about this.