

HISA adds three to ADMC committee

HISA adds three to ADMC committee

HISA announced today it would add three new members to its Anti-Doping and Medication Control (ADMC) standing committee.

Aftercare grants made to 83 groups

Aftercare grants made to 83 groups

The Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance announced today it had made more than $4 million in grants to 83 accredited organizations.

HISA releases new educational materials

HISA releases new educational materials

The Horseracing Integrity and Safety Authority (HISA) today announced it has released new educational materials as it rolls out revised rules July 8.

AmTote: Saturday outage not our fault

AmTote: Saturday outage not our fault

In the aftermath of Saturday’s outage that shut down wagering in the East, AmTote has issued a statement blaming the network connecting it to other totes.

Laurel Park unveils spring meet stakes

Laurel Park unveils spring meet stakes

Laurel Park unveiled a stakes schedule featuring nine events, including the Tesio and Weber City Miss, for its short spring meet.


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