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Upcoming contest: February 8, 2025

Featuring Laurel Park!

Scroll down to see the contest rules.

See today’s picks and analysis.

Video analysis of today’s late Pick 5.

Feb. 8, 2025 Contest leaderboard

1Robin Burnham$75.60
2Vincent Mazzotta$64.30
3Kenny Rein$58.80
4John Robison$57.80
5Dennis Hilgart$57.80
6Padraig Gavin$56.60
7Stuart Hoff$55.10
8Dan Illman$55.10
9William Petrosky$52.20
10Charles Warner$51.80
11DJ Burnham$51.00
12John Piassek$49.50
13David Smith$49.50
14George Coverdale$47.70
15Tom Stutts$46.80
16Carlo marinuzzi$46.70
17Wayne Blanchard$45.70
18donald petrosky$45.60
19Francis Larson$44.70
20Charles Helms$44.70
21Dave Vocke$43.00
23Mo Murray$42.00
24Dale Holman$41.90
25Robin Burnham$41.80
26tony calabrese$41.60
27Gary Alvig$41.30
28Laura Woodside$40.10
29Nicholas Korn$39.80
30Edward DeMatteo$38.60
32Kevin Irvin$38.40
35Fred wissbrun$36.40
36Joe DeVivo$36.40
37William Fuchs$35.30
38Beth Kornbau$34.50
39Dell Yount$34.50
40Jerry T$34.40
41Chris Bragg$33.90
42Mo Murray$33.40
43Dan Illman$33.00
44Don Nichols$32.90
46Blair Monroe$32.00
47James Weiler$31.80
48mark kauffman$31.70
49Carlo marinuzzi$31.60
50Mike Phillips$31.40
51DeNniS PhiLlIPs$31.40
52Steve ridgway$30.20
53Sheila Fuchs$30.20
54Laura Woodside$29.70
55John Byrne$29.60
57Sheila Fuchs$29.30
58Gene Todaro$29.30
59Gary Fitzpatrick$29.30
60Dan Higdon$29.00
61Mike Phillips$29.00
62brian fairlie$29.00
63Chris Bragg$28.80
64Michele Mathews$28.80
65Padraig Gavin$28.50
66Nicholas Korn$28.50
67Drake Rogers$28.40
68Ed Schellhas$27.30
69Mary Ellen Safchick$27.20
70Jade Larrabee$27.20
71Kenny O$27.10
72Edward DeMatteo$27.10
73Blair Monroe$27.00
74Alice Edwards$26.90
75Drake Rogers$26.60
76kelly rohrer$26.10
77Richard Heisler$26.10
78Dan Underkoffler$26.10
79Bill McGrath$26.10
80Gary Alvig$26.10
81Bob Lunny$25.90
82Jerry T$25.70
83John Panetta$25.00
84Beth Kornbau$25.00
85Joe Lloyd$24.60
86Stuart Hoff$24.40
87Harry Young$24.20
88Lisa Walters Mocere$24.20
89Kevin Jordan$24.10
91Kenny O$23.80
92John Byrne$23.80
93Jesse Livermore$23.50
94Charles Warner$22.50
95Lou Octavio$22.20
96Scott Mcginn$22.20
97George Coverdale$22.20
98Joe DeVivo$22.20
99rick baldwin$22.00
100rick baldwin$22.00
101George Dowden$21.60
102Bob Lunny$21.30
103David Smith$20.50
104Frank Ferrandino$20.40
105John Panetta$20.20
106Mary Ellen Safchick$19.90
107William Fuchs$19.80
109William Petrosky$18.70
110Tony Mohutsky$18.40
111Harry Young$18.40
112Wayne Blanchard$18.20
113Charles Helms$18.10
114Lisa Walters Mocere$17.90
115Joe underkoffler$17.80
116Vincent Mazzotta$17.80
117donald petrosky$17.80
118Kevin Jordan$17.50
119DJ Burnham$17.40
120Dell Yount$16.70
121Andy Flacks$16.30
124Lou Weber$16.20
126Joe Lloyd$14.90
127Joe underkoffler$14.80
128Gene Todaro$14.60
129Joe Saia$14.50
131Julie Spear Sommer$14.20
132Andy Flacks$14.00
133Steve ridgway$14.00
134Dale Holman$14.00
135Douglas stillions$13.80
136James Cassedy$13.80
137Ed Schellhas$13.00
138Mark Davis$12.80
139Dave Leatso$12.40
140DeNniS PhiLlIPs$11.80
141kelly rohrer$11.80
142Joe Saia$11.60
143Paul Howard$11.20
144Dhunter51 Robison$11.00
145Alice Edwards$10.70
146James Cassedy$10.60
147Michele Mathews$9.80
148Lou Weber$9.40
149Susan Loaiza$9.20
150Kevin Irvin$9.20
151Dan Higdon$9.20
152john bykowski$8.80
153Katherine Morse$8.60
154Mark Davis$8.00
155Kenny Rein$8.00
156Lisa Voss$7.80
157brian fairlie$7.80
158Rich Lamberti$7.80
159Judy Collins$6.80
160Julie Spear Sommer$6.80
161Dennis Robinson$6.80
162Dhunter51 Robison$6.00
163tony calabrese$6.00
164Dave Leatso$6.00
165John Robison$5.60
166mark kauffman$5.60
167Rich Lamberti$5.10
168Frank Ferrandino$5.10
169Lisa Voss$5.10
170George Ekaitis$4.40
171Katherine Morse$4.40
172James Weiler$4.20
173Dennis Robinson$2.40
174Susan Loaiza$2.40
175George Ekaitis$2.40
176Lou Octavio$2.40
177Fred wissbrun$2.40
178Paul Howard$0.00
179john bykowski$0.00
180Dennis Hilgart$0.00
181Judy Collins$0.00
182Jade Larrabee$0.00
183Richard Heisler$0.00
184Douglas stillions$0.00
185Bill McGrath$0.00


  • The February 8, 2025 handicapping contest features eight races from Laurel Park.
  • Entries must be in NO LATER THAN 12 noon EST.
  • No player may have more than two (2) entries. If submitting two entries, they must both be submitted together.
  • You must pick a horse in each race.
  • Select your horse via the drop-down for each race.
  • SCRATCHES: You are responsible for your picks up until entry time (12 noon). Thus, if you submit your picks and one of your horses scratches prior to that time, it is your responsibility to update your picks, which you can do via the link in your acknowledgement email. If one of your chosen horses scratches after that time, you will receive the post time favorite. For purposes of this provision, the scratch times listed in the Equibase race day changes page will be considered official.
  • Each play will be a mythical $2 win-place wager on the horse you choose.
  • Once you’ve selected your horses, follow the directions to submit.
  • Your score will be determined by adding together the total payoffs of your mythical wagers.
  • We will update the scores intermittently during the day.
  • Please note that listed times are approximate and come from the early entries; times may change for a variety of reasons.
  • You can view the full rules here.
  • Good luck and thanks for playing!